Tulus Ikhlas,
Khairul Izzuan Ahmad
This blog created for realize people in record management in their own life. you are allowed to share information about record management and related issues. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: ”Sesiapa yang ditanya tentang ilmu lalu dia menyembunyikannya akan diikat mulutnya (meletakkan kekang di mulutnya seperti kuda) dengan kekang dari api neraka pada Hari Kiamat.” Riwayat Abu Daud dan at-Tirmidzi
Nabil M. Hewahi & Mohammed Hannoush, Document imaging system, 1-15, Retrieved February 01, 2010 from: http//www.emeraldinsight.com/0957-6053.htm.
The Code of Ethics for Archivists establishes standards for the archival profession. It introduces new members of the profession to those standards, reminds experienced archivists of their professional responsibilities, and serves as a model for institutional policies. It also is intended to inspire public confidence in the profession.
This code provides an ethical framework to guide members of the profession. It does not provide the solution to specific problems.
The term “archivist” as used in this code encompasses all those concerned with the selection, control, care, preservation, and administration of historical and documentary records of enduring value.
I. Purpose
The Society of American Archivists recognizes the importance of educating the profession and general public about archival ethics by codifying ethical principles to guide the work of archivists. This code provides a set of principles to which archivists aspire.
II. Professional Relationships
Archivists select, preserve, and make available historical and documentary records of enduring value. Archivists cooperate, collaborate, and respect each institution and its mission and collecting policy. Respect and cooperation form the basis of all professional relationships with colleagues and users.
III. Judgment
Archivists should exercise professional judgment in acquiring, appraising, and processing historical materials. They should not allow personal beliefs or perspectives to affect their decisions.
IV. Trust
Archivists should not profit or otherwise benefit from their privileged access to and control of historical records and documentary materials.
V. Authenticity and Integrity
Archivists strive to preserve and protect the authenticity of records in their holdings by documenting their creation and use in hard copy and electronic formats. They have a fundamental obligation to preserve the intellectual and physical integrity of those records.
Archivists may not alter, manipulate, or destroy data or records to conceal facts or distort evidence.
VI. Access
Archivists strive to promote open and equitable access to their services and the records in their care without discrimination or preferential treatment, and in accordance with legal requirements, cultural sensitivities, and institutional policies. Archivists recognize their responsibility to promote the use of records as a fundamental purpose of the keeping of archives. Archivists may place restrictions on access for the protection of privacy or confidentiality of information in the records.
VII. Privacy
Archivists protect the privacy rights of donors and individuals or groups who are the subject of records. They respect all users’ right to privacy by maintaining the confidentiality of their research and protecting any personal information collected about them in accordance with the institution’s security procedures.
VIII. Security/Protection
Archivists protect all documentary materials for which they are responsible and guard them against defacement, physical damage, deterioration, and theft. Archivists should cooperate with colleagues and law enforcement agencies to apprehend and prosecute thieves and vandals.
IX. Law
Archivists must uphold all federal, state, and local laws.
Kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat disini, kod-kod etika ini haruslah diikuti oleh sesiapa sahaja yang berkecimpung dalam pengurusan rekod dan pengurusan bahan-bahan bersejarah serta mereka yang berada didalam bidang pengurusan maklumat. diharap dengan kod etika ini, dapat melahirkan "Archivist" yang cemerlang dan berkualiti dalam memelihara khazanah negara yang tidak ternilai harganya..
Approved by the SAA Council, February 5, 2005